Information for staff

Information for staff about the Student Wellbeing Service.

The Student Wellbeing Service sits within the University's Wellbeing Services, which also includes Student Disability and Learning Support Service, Student Counselling Service, and Chaplaincy.

The service works collaboratively with colleagues across the University to provide proactive and reactive wellbeing support for students. This includes proactive preventative work for all students as well as providing specialised support for higher-risk students who have more complex needs and who present with at risk behaviours, using a short-term case management model.

Students receive support tailored to their health, emotional and pastoral needs and is part of the ecosystem of support with the aim that no student falls between the gaps. 

For more information, please visit What is the Student Wellbeing Service? ( 

Wellbeing Service process page 

Wellbeing Advisers 

Helping Distressed Students Guidance