After your referral

What happens once you've been referred to the Student Wellbeing Service.

Next steps

Your referral will be assessed by a Lead Wellbeing Adviser who will decide what wellbeing support is required and who is best placed to provide support to you.  

By submitting the form, you are consenting to the information being shared with relevant staff who can provide the support. As part of this, we share with the School Student Adviser/Supervisor that we have received a referral and what our next steps will be. Depending on what you have shared, we may also need to share information with other support services external to the University. 

The possible decisions are to:

  1. Signpost to a relevant internal or external support unit.
  2. Pass the referral to the student's first point of contact at the School/Deanery.
  3. If a student is in University-managed accommodation, pass the referral to the Residence Life Team or provide joint support.
  4. Allocate the referral to a Wellbeing Adviser to offer short-term wellbeing support.

Allocation to a Wellbeing Adviser

Once you have been allocated a Wellbeing Adviser, you will be contacted and a meeting will be set up so that you can discuss the issues you might be having.

This meeting can be in-person, online or over the phone, depending on what is more suitable for you.

The Wellbeing Adviser will carry out a detailed assessment and will develop an action plan for your wellbeing support.  They will share the plan with you which will allow for you being further supported at the School/Deanery or by other internal or external support resources.     

During the wellbeing support provision, your allocated Student Adviser, and other Student Support Staff will be kept informed about the case, actions and resolutions.

Signposting to additional support

Based on your conversation with the Wellbeing Adviser, and if required, you may discuss additional services at the University, such as our Student Counselling Service or the Disability and Learning Support Service, Institute for Academic Development or the Chaplaincy.

PGR Students

The Student Wellbeing Service aims to provide holistic support by helping you connect to a network of University and external staff. Our normal process following a referral is to notify the PGR supervisor that we have received it and what our next steps will be. If you prefer to speak to us before we share information with your Supervisor, please indicate clearly in the last section of the referral titled “Is there anything else you would like to add”. If we are not able to discuss with you, we will share information with your Supervisor as per our normal process. 

If you have indicated that you want to speak to us first, we will discuss with you at the first meeting with a Wellbeing Adviser. We will then communicate with the most appropriate person within your School after agreeing the details with you.

If you are not a member of the University community

We will make contact with the student and let them know this has been done and then assess the situation accordingly. We may not be able to share further information with you depending on the student's wishes, but will ask them to contact the person making the referral.